CIES HDR students

Student Name Research Topic Supervisor Co-Supervisor
Adila, Ahmed Pore to Core Scale Analysis of Cyclic Hydrogen Injection: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage Armstrong Ryan
Ebadi Mohammad
Ahmadinezhad, Adel Effects of Hydraulic Hysteresis on Dynamic Properties of Unsaturated Sand Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Khoshghalb Arman
Akhyani, Sina Computational Modelling of Coupling Processes in Unsaturated Geostructures Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Vahab Mahammad
Al-Hajji, Mohammad Pore scale imaging and modelling of EOR processes Mostaghimi Peyman
Armstrong Ryan
Alavi, Seyed Karen An insight into CLT structures by considering time-dependent characteristics Bradford Mark
Valipour Hamid
Alekseev, Vladislav Fusing geophysical datasets to characterize rock mass from multiple datasets using deep learning algorithms Armstrong Ryan
Clark Stuart
Khalili Nasser
Alfazazi, Umar Measurement of Dynamic Relative Permeability with the Aid of Positron Emission Tomography Saturation Monitoring System during Coreflooding Armstrong Ryan
Mostaghimi Peyman
Aliakbari, Alireza Multiscale Analysis of Lignin Performance in Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Hajimohammadi Ailar
Khalili Nasser
Alnahhal, Ahmed M E Extract sodium silicate from Rice husk ash as silica source using Hydrothermal and thermochemical methods Hajimohammadi Ailar
Kim Taehwan
Ansari, Mohammad Arman Modelling the effects of aging on the strength and stability of tailings storage facilities Russell Adrian
Kim Taehwan
Artigaut, Marion Modelling and characterising transport processes in granular media using dynamic pore network models and graphs Sufian Adnan
Russell Adrian
Ayala, Tomas Bridge Structural Health Monitoring based on Physics Informed Neural Networks Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Atroshchenko Elena
Babina, Elena The Influence of Dynamic Topography on the Formation and Evolution of the Barents Sea Basin with Computational Methods Clark Stuart
Salles Tristan
Makuluni Patrick
Barbosa, Maira Grasiele Soares Urban Underground Climate Change - Sustainable Subterranean Solutions Bidarmaghz Asal
Khoshghalb Arman
Calderon Hurtado, Andres Felipe Developing an innovative framework for an advanced indirect bridge structural health monitoring based on a drive-by inspection technology, using a novel model to describe de vehicle-bridge interaction to evaluate the structure's long-term p Atroshchenko Elena
Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Chan, Chun-Yen Reliability-based analysis and design of steel-reinforced timber frames Atroshchenko Elena
Valipour Hamid
Bradford Mark
Chen, Chang The behaviour of steel lattice towers under bushfire attack Bradford Mark
Valipour Hamid

Chen, Hongzhe A scaled boundary finite element framework for computational fracture analysis of discretely reinforced structures and materials Song Chongmin
Eisentraeger (Duczek) Sascha
Chen, Kailun Optimisation of the performance of novel photocatalysts in cementitious materials and their environmental applications Li Wengui
Chen Daniel
Chen, Yisu Stochastic nonlinear response and stability assessment of spatially curved structures Gao Wei
Tin-Loi Francis
Chen, Yitu Long-term behaviour of timber-concrete composite system Dackermann Ulrike
Valipour Hamid
Foster Stephen
Deeb, Rachel Porous-Based Design of Architectural Forms For 3D Fabrication Chen Daniel
Kate Dunn
Drinnan, Anthony John Machine Learning Based Structural Reliability Analysis Gao Wei
Song Chongmin
Elhadayri, Farj Constitutive modelling of lightly cemented unsaturated soils. Khalili Nasser
Russell Adrian
Fu, Mingyang Design of meta-materials for thermal energy harvesting Gao Wei
Atroshchenko Elena
Bordas Stephane
Gao, Han Creep and shrinkage in Geopolymer concrete structures Hamed Ehab
Foster Stephen
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Gharehdaghikhajehghiasi, Mahnoush Analytical and numerical modelling of consolidation and strain localisation in unsaturated soils Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Russell Adrian
Gilbert, Mikael Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Modular Buildings through Building Information Modelling (BIM) Barati Khalegh
Shen Johnson
Guanzon, Clarence AI-driven generative design for low-carbon prefabricated buildings Chen Daniel
Gao Wei
Guo, Yipu Robust cement-based sensors for smart automation in future infrastructure Li Wengui
Atroshchenko Elena
Guo, Youheng Automated Structural Defects Detection and Modelling for Intelligent Infrastructure Asset Management Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Hameed, Rizwan Low embodied-carbon concrete using steel slag and CO2 utilization Kim Taehwan
Kashani Ali
Hassani, Sahar Multitype Data Fusion for Reliable Condition Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures Dackermann Ulrike
Song Chongmin
He, Wenting Three-dimensional Adaptive Dynamic Failure Analysis Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method Song Chongmin
Hamed Ehab
Heidary, Mohammadsaeed BIM based hazard identification approach in modular construction planning phase to improve the sustainability of construction projects Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Ho, Cheuk Ying Rita Interface Shear Strength between Concrete Piles and Reactive Soil Khoshghalb Arman
Khalili Nasser
Hosseini, Reyhaneh Development of Hybrid Steel-Timber-Concrete System Valipour Hamid
Bradford Mark
Huang, Benjamin Robustness and progressive collapse assessment of timber structures Valipour Hamid
Hamed Ehab
Ibrahimkhil, Mohammad Hashim Construction Project Real-time Progress Monitoring Through Robotic Mapping Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Jafarpour Hamedani, Shahed Indirect structural health monitoring of bridges using vehicle-mounted sensors Atroshchenko Elena
Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Jiang, Ziang Smart Thermal Inspection and Data Processing for Civil Applications Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Karimzadeh, Keyhan Hybrid structures with post-tensioned timber elements Valipour Hamid
O'Shea Daniel
Foster Stephen
Kaviani Hamedani, Farzad The effect of grain-scale parameters in the journey of fabric evolution towards the critical state: an application of continuous shear moduli measurements Khoshghalb Arman
Khalili Nasser
Khondoker, Md Tareq Hossain Development of sustainable and low-carbon concrete mix designs for construction 3D-printing Kashani Ali
Foster Stephen
Kumar, Arvind An Investigation of the Thermal Behaviour of Geothermal Piles Subjected to Groundwater Advection Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Li, Jiejie Study on Multiphase Flow Transport in Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Exploitation based on Machine Learning Armstrong Ryan
Waite David
Li, Junxing Non-deterministic nonlinear response and stability assessment of spatially curved structures Li Guoyin
Gao Wei
Li, Zhaocheng Development of Self-sensing Pavement Using Asphalt Mixture Skeleton Li Wengui
Chen Daniel
Linsangan, Kelvin CPT, strength and stability in tailings and/or filtered stacks, especially when unsaturated, and when there are alternating coarse and fine layers. Russell Adrian
Douglas Kurt
Liu, Haoran Stochastic nonlinear behaviour and instability analysis of curved structures Chen Daniel
Gao Wei
Liu, Yiyang Structural reliability analysis and robust optimal design Gao Wei
Song Chongmin
Liu, Yiyang Durability of Rubberized Geopolymer Concrete Using Dry Cast Technology Yang Yu
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Mahboobimotlagh, Nazanin Experimental and DEM analysis of critical state behavior of cemented granular materials under drained triaxial loadings Khoshghalb Arman
Khalili Nasser
Makhotin, Ivan Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media Mostaghimi Peyman
Khalili Nasser
Mandloi, Pushpraj Investigating the role of particle shape on internal erosion Sufian Adnan
Russell Adrian
Mathew, Eric Sonny Deep learning guided Synchrotron imaging of Complex Multiphase Flow Armstrong Ryan
Tang Kunning
McIlquham, Jack Physically-informed machine learning techniques appliedto spectroscopy for mineral and elemental identification Armstrong Ryan
Mostaghimi Peyman
Meng, Xiaochu Seismic Resilience of Timber Structures Valipour Hamid
Hamed Ehab
Mesgari Hagh, Morteza Service Life Considerations for Shear Design of Members with High Strength Steel Stirrups - And Use of Machine Learning for Short- and Long-Term Prediction Models Foster Stephen
Valipour Hamid
Miao, Yijian Self-healing concrete Li Wengui
Dong Wenkui
Moe, Yan Aung Fatigue Behaviour of Welded Ultra-high Strength Steel Plates Coupled with Extreme Environmental Conditions Zhao Xiao Lin Joshua
Valipour Hamid
Heidarpour Amin
Mohammadian, Mohammadreza Localisation and measurement of prefabricated building elements using depth camera built in smartphones and AR glasses. Song Chongmin
Eisentraeger (Duczek) Sascha
Mohseni, Pooriya Novel Construction Material Development: Use of waste plastics in asphalt Khalili Nasser
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Mostazid, Md Ibrahim Role of test methods in detecting chloride resistance and alkali-silica reaction of geopolymer concrete Foster Stephen
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Kim Taehwan
Mousavi, Milad A data-driven method to predict the sustainability of modular construction projects in their early design and planning stage Li Binghao
Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Nai, Kimsrorng Deformation of Tailings Embankments due to Seismic Loading under Partially Saturated State Russell Adrian
Douglas Kurt
Nalinakumar, Harikrishnan Basin Evolution and Resource Potential of the Isa Superbasin and South Nicholson Basin Clark Stuart
Salles Tristan
Nejad, Flora Develop the Performance of Timber Composite Joints O'Shea Daniel
Valipour Hamid
Foster Stephen
Ni, Lifeng Data Driven-Based Functionally Graded Porous Structures Mechanical Property and Environmental Impact Analysis Gao Wei
Chen Daniel
Ni, Yiling Application of second-order work concept in stability analysis of unsaturated granular slopes and tailings subject to wetting: experimental and numerical investigation Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Russell Adrian
Norouzi, Mohammad Amin Rheological and Chemical Analysis of Bio-Binders and Bio-Mixtures Containing High-Content Biomass in Pavement Construction Hajimohammadi Ailar
Shahbodagh Babak
Pal, Ram Effect of the Glass Chemistry on Reaction Kinetics and Phase Development in Alkali-Activated Materials and Their Incorporation into Thermodynamic Modelling. Kim Taehwan
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Parastar Namini, Reza Modelling CO2 transportation and reaction mechanisms to predict concrete durability against carbonation and corrosion Kashani Ali
Kim Taehwan
Peralta Braz, Patricio Isogeometric Analysis of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester based on the Kirchhoff-Love Plate Model in Presence of Uncertainties Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Atroshchenko Elena
Hassan Mahbub
Pirjalili, Ali large scale thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of porous media Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Russell Adrian
Pollock, Benjamin Structural Optimisation of Multi-Storey Buildings Valipour Hamid
Atroshchenko Elena
Putri, Kartika Nur Rahma Digital Twins for Smart and Sustainable Construction Supply Chain Management Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Qi, Xiang Integration study of green roofs and solar photovoltaic systems: A trade-off between the water retention and cooling benefits of green roof Armstrong Ryan
Jing Yu
Raihan, Ovik Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties for Nanostructured Skutterudites by Carbon Nano Tube and Nano Wire Doping Hajimohammadi Ailar
Alnahhal Mohammed
Raza, Ali Performance of Waste-Derived Materials on Developing Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Sustainable Construction Ponomar Vitalii
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Kashani Ali
Riaz, Raja Dilawar Development of Earth-Based and Low Carbon Material for Additive Manufacturing of Sustainable and Equitable Housing Kashani Ali
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Richard, Sebastien Surfboard fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and automated manufacturing Pearce Garth
Chen Daniel
Felder Stefan
Rong, Peiyi Machine Learning-Aided Stochastic Structural Analysis in Engineering Metamaterials Gao Wei
Li Guoyin
Rottemberg, Maria Investigation of hydro-thermo-mechanical behaviour of geo-energy structures in local scale Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Saffari, Rahim Expansive soil improvement by means of microbial induced calcite precipitation: a study of hydro-mechanical behaviour at various degrees of saturation Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Khoshghalb Arman
Said, Samah Small-Strain Dynamic Properties of Sands Khalili Nasser
Shahbodagh Babak
Khoshghalb Arman
Salari, Soroush Simplified Image-Based Analysis of Structural Behavior Due to Dynamic Vibration and Earthquake Loading for the Purpose of Damage Detection and Promoting Static and Dynamic characteristics of Structures: Both Numerical and Experimental appro Song Chongmin
Eisentraeger (Duczek) Sascha
Samimi, Soodeh Constitutive Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Reactive Soils Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Vahab Mahammad
Sefidi Jirandeh, Kosar Structural behavior of steel-timber composite joints Valipour Hamid
Bradford Mark
Shah, Gunja Development of sustainable and low-carbon concrete mix designs with Delithiated Beta Spodumene Kashani Ali
Foster Stephen
Shahoveisi, Sana Extended high order transition elements Khalili Nasser
Shahbodagh Babak
Vahab Mahammad
Shi, Zhiyi A Probabilistic Framework for Assessing the Fire Vulnerability of Building Structure Atroshchenko Elena
Gao Wei
Soltanian, Mehdi Using PFAS and heavy Metals polluted soil as concrete additives: a new approach for immobilization Hajimohammadi Ailar
Alnahhal Mohammed
Sun, Yafei Smart Infrastructure Asset Management Based on Internet of Things Zlatanova Sisi
Shen Johnson
Barati Khalegh
Tasmim, Rumia Torsion of innovative timber composite floors Bradford Mark
Valipour Hamid
Foster Stephen
Tavakkoli, Omid Pore scale investigation of surfactant adsorption behavior on reservoir rock in the presence and absence of nanoparticles using X-Ray micro-CT Armstrong Ryan
Mostaghimi Peyman
Tian, Yuhang Analytical framework for nonlinear stability analysis of steel plate joint Song Chongmin
Gao Wei
Vincent, Annmary Geothermal Pavements: A Sustainable Solution for Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Enhancing Pavement Performance Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Vural, Hasan Optimisation of a Hybrid System Consisting of a Novel Closed-Loop Geothermal Model and a Concentrated Solar Power Plant by Using Supercritical CO2, Helium, Nanofluids, and Water Mostaghimi Peyman

Wang, Yige Multifunctional Porous Building Elements for Sustainable Civil Construction Chen Daniel
Gao Wei
Xi, Wen Micro-CT imaging and numerical modeling for two-phase flow in porous media Mostaghimi Peyman
Armstrong Ryan
Xu, Jiayang Comparative Study for Inverse Problem in the context of Indirect Sensing Atroshchenko Elena
Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Yan, Jin Modelling Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Soils Using a Mechanistic Approach Considering Micro-Structural Influences Khoshghalb Arman
Bidarmaghz Asal
Russell Adrian
Yang, Shuyi Steel-timber composite systems. Dackermann Ulrike
Valipour Hamid
Yao, Shuai Multi-objective Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Power Generation and Sensing Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Atroshchenko Elena
Yao, Yuanbin Development of bridge structure optimization program based on artificial intelligence algorithm
Yao, Zuobang Investigation of converting mine wastes as cementitious materials Kashani Ali
Kim Taehwan
You, Dengyu Experimental and Numerical Analysis for Structural and Durability Optimisation of Digitally Fabricated Concrete Walls Hamed Ehab
Kashani Ali
Yu, Ming Damage identification and condition assessment of in-service poles and pipes using smart sensing NDT technique Yang Yu
Hajimohammadi Ailar
Zakerzadeh, Mahdi The Impact of Hydrophobic Material on the De-Icing and the Surface Drainage of Pavements Shahbodagh Babak
Khalili Nasser
Vahab Mahammad
Zhan, Yifan Integration of Geometric Modeling and Scaled Boundary Finite Element Analysis Song Chongmin
Eisentraeger (Duczek) Sascha
Zhang, Han Artificial Neural Networks Methods for Computational Mechanics Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Atroshchenko Elena
Shahbodagh Babak
Bordas Stephane
Zhang, Runzi 3D Phase Field Fatigue Analysis Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method Song Chongmin
Pearce Garth
Zhang, Xiaoran Three-dimensional adaptive dynamic failure analysis using the scaled boundary finite element method Song Chongmin
O'Shea Daniel
Eisentraeger (Duczek) Sascha
Zhao, Caiyu Design, Production and Application of Multifunctional Cement and Concrete towards a Sustainable Future Li Wengui
Dong Wenkui
Zhao, Enyong Polyphase uncertainty dynamic and reliability analysis of structures Makki Alamdari Mehrisadat
Gao Wei
Zhou, Xiao Dynamic behaviours and damping properties of porous composites Chen Daniel
Gao Wei