Taehwan Kim

Civil Engineering Building (H20)
Level 7, Room CE718
Kensington Campus
Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Taehwan Kim is a Seinior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CVEN) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), a position he has held since June 2016. He received his BS and MS from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea and PhD from Purdue University, US. After gaining PhD, Dr Kim worked as a research associate at Oklahoma State University until June 2016. He was involved in and contributed to several interdisciplinary research projects, including innovative characterization techniques and advancement of the understanding of reactions occurring in cementitious materials. After joining UNSW Sydney, he is branching out to different research areas (rheology of materials, fundamental chemical reactions in cementitious materials, reuse of industrial wastes in construction materials) and to collaborate with various researchers within/outside CVEN.
Research Interest
- Advanced and sustainable infrastructure materials
- Thermodynamics in cementitious materials and the modelling of their chemical process
- Advanced materials characterization techniques
- Fundamental understanding of chemo-physical reactions in cementitious materials
- Microstructure evolution of cementitious materials
- Utilize natural and waste materials to develop the low carbon foot-print materials
CVEN3304 Concrete Structures
CVEN9824 Advanced Materials Technology
Looking for Students for projects related to:
Candidates are expected to have a Master's degree in one of the following fields: Civil (materials or structures), materials science, chemistry, or related fields. Candidates with Bachelor's degree that includes a substantial research component are able to be considered. The candidates should have strong motivation in fundamental studies of materials and well-developed background of cementitious materials. Candidates with background in synthesis of calcium based materials, characterization techniques (including SEM-EDS, CT, XRF, XRD, NMR and FTIR) or computational thermodynamics are encouraged to apply.